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Wow Best Tank Addons

twininotom1987 2020. 2. 18. 19:15
Wow best tank addons

02:53 PMPosted by im trying to tank but im really new to it and was wondering what good tanking addons are there im still trying to configure elvui which is confusing right now its not displaying buffs and debuffs which is annoying on targets also is there a add on so i can see how many stacks my fellow tank has? So i know when to switch Omen threat meter is a must have for me, otherwise mostly just spec specific weak auras to track AM uptime and CDs. Tehrs raid cds (I think it's called) is a very useful weakaura to track cooldowns of the whole party but mostly just QOL not required.

Wow Best Tank Addons

Also I second just making the other tank your focus target, easiest way to track their stacks. Everyone will have a different opinion and set up but here is my 2 cents. You want to be able to see your own debuffs and the other tanks debuffs (Have a focus target frame displaying debuffs in a good visible location) ElvUI is a great interface to customize around this. For the debuffs there is now a priority list in ElvUI you can just remove them to see all debuffs showing on your off tank (focus target) - Omen Threat meter is pretty optional now with the changes to threat it's pretty damn hard to lose threat now days, however it's useful if you out gear the other tank and need to know when to auto attack. WeakAuras fantastic, highly customizable addon that you can use to keep track of your mitigation and cooldowns. DBM - this will all but tell you how to tank the boss anway - A good name plate addon - Tidy Plates, Threat Plates or KUI Name Plates will help you out heaps too in regards to tracking who you have threat on, what debuffs of yours are applied to the targets etc Just continue trying different things until you find something you really feel comfortable with and keep building from there =) All the best. You don't need really much for tanking, actually the less you have the better, since it allows you to be more aware of your surroundings.

Addons for World of Warcraft Burning Crusade 2.4.3 Home Pawn Contact. This Tanking Addon does all that hard math for you to determine your chance of taking a Crushing Blow from a Raid Bosses. By many other Addons. They provide handy libraries, particularly for things like the Options UI Windows. I did my best to Include Ace with any. You may be wondering what the best tank class in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth currently is. While there is no definitive answer to this, overall some classes have been made more and less. MoveAnything is one of the best addons for wow bfa as it allows you creating a menu of moving, hiding and working with frames. The main window includes such options like key binding, interaction with other players, slash commanders, different tips, for example how to find the easiest way to reset the frame, unmove something that you did.

I use ElvUI for the frames, and TellMeWhen for the debuff tracking (You can also use Weak Auras if you prefer it), as for the boss mods I prefer Big Wigs since it just tells you the timers and stacks of debuffs, not telling you when to taunt or stuff like that (that most of the time can be different according to the situation). With those three addons you should be ready to go. A bossmod addon is a must for tanking if you are not able to actually speak to your co-tank (for example in LFR). I rarely set my co-tank as a focus - I just taunt when Deadly Boss Mods or BigWigs tells me to.

Wow Best Tank Addons For Pc

When I run with my raid group, I follow DBM instructions unless my co-tank tells me they need me to taunt off of them. L only worry about my own debuffs/stacks. Tidy Plates/Threat Plates is a great addon for learning to tank.

It's very obvious when you have threat and when you don't. You really don't need a threat meter anymore. DPS will not be able to pull threat from you if you are using your abilities correctly, and if it's from your fellow tank they need to back off a bit. I recommend you get GTFO to give you an audio cue when you are standing in bad stuff. I also recommend getting a voice pack for your bossmod - having spoken warnings has been a game changer for me.

I use Deadly Boss Mods and DBM Voicepack VEM. You can change the size of the debuffs in ElvUI on any Unit Frame. I just debuff my self with Exhaustion from Drums and set my self as focus and target. That gives me 10 mins to play with sizes of debuffs on my frame, target frame, target of target frame, focus, and focus target until I like what I can see.

I second weak auras. Tell Me When serves the same purpose as well but can be easier to work with (my personal opinion). I use both as a prot warrior but TMW is for my character and WA i use for specific boss mechanics (Souls count on Gul'dan).Tidyplates or KuiNamePlates will help a lot as well. I rely on nameplates for tanking and the added functionality these can provide are amazing.

In a raid setting I like to know what I'm tanking, what the other tank is tanking and what isn't being tanked. You can color code the name plates to show this.Weakauras:TellMeWhen:Tidy Plates:Tidy Plates (Threat Plates):KuiNameplates:.